George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States, died on Friday. Over the next week, there will be various events and celebrations of President Bush’s life in Houston and Washington. NewsOne will have full coverage of these events.
We will offer live shots on the following days at the following times. Locations for our live shots are based on when and where events are scheduled to happen over the next week:
Sunday, December 2:
Correspondent Natalie Brunell offers CUSTOM live shots from 6:00 am ET through 12:15 pm ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent Elizabeth Hur offers CUSTOM live shots from 5:00 pm ET through 2:30 am ET from HOUSTON
Monday, December 3:
Correspondent Natalie Brunell offers CUSTOM live shots from 4:30 am ET through 9:30 am ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent Natalie Brunell offers GROUP and CUSTOM live shots from 12:00 noon ET through 2:30 pm ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent Kenneth Moton offers GROUP and CUSTOM live shots from 4:00 pm ET through 9:30 pm ET from WASHINGTON
Correspondent Kenneth Moton offers CUSTOM live shots from 11:00 pm ET through 2:30 am ET from WASHINGTON
Tuesday, December 4:
Correspondent Emily Rau offers CUSTOM live shots from 4:30 am ET through 2:30 pm ET from WASHINGTON
Correspondent Kenneth Moton offers CUSTOM live shots from 4:00 pm ET through 2:30 am ET from WASHINGTON
Wednesday, December 5:
Correspondent Emily Rau offers CUSTOM live shots from 4:30 am ET through 9:30 am ET from WASHINGTON
Correspondent Emily Rau offers GROUP and CUSTOM live shots from 12:00 noon ET through 2:30 pm ET from WASHINGTON
Correspondent Elizabeth Hur offers GROUP and CUSTOM live shots from 4:00 pm ET through 9:30 pm ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent Elizabeth Hur offers CUSTOM live shots from 11:00 pm ET through 2:30 am ET from HOUSTON
Thursday, December 6:
Correspondent TBA offers CUSTOM live shots from 4:30 am ET through 9:30 am ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent TBA offers GROUP and CUSTOM live shots from 12:00 noon ET through 2:30 pm ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent Elizabeth Hur offers GROUP and CUSTOM live shots from 4:00 pm ET through 9:30 pm ET from HOUSTON
Correspondent Elizabeth Hur offers CUSTOM live shots from 11:00 pm ET through 2:30 am ET from HOUSTON
PLEASE NOTE: These live shot times and locations are based on the current planning for events surrounding George H.W. Bush. If the schedule changes, we will adjust our live shot coverage schedule accordingly.
ALSO NOTE: Group live shot hit times may slide due to ABC News Special Report coverage.
NewsOne will offer updated packages each day through next Thursday for all time zones with the latest video and information.
NewsOne will provide live feeds of all the major events scheduled for the next week on George H.W. Bush. We will also provide as many clean bumper shots as we can throughout the next week.
Please monitor the NewsOne Twitter account at @abcnewsone for latest details on live feeds.
We will be supplying embed codes for ABC News TV network Special Reports coverage for embedding on your station’s branded website. We will provide those embed codes in a separate e-mail on Monday, December 3.
If you have any further questions on our coverage plan, please call NewsOne at 212-456-4110.