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On Thursday, April 20, all ABC News programs and platforms will be airing content about the issues surrounding water: access to water, water contamination in communities and schools, infrastructure failures, the effect of climate change on water, drought, water shortages, etc. 


The overall title of our coverage that day will be "The Power of Water."


For stories that we are doing that are related to the issue of water and climate change (drought, rising sea levels, etc.), we will be using the name "Climate Crisis: The Power of Water" as the title. 


For stories that are related to the issue of water but not directly to climate change (like lead pipes, water pollution, etc.) we will be using the name "The Power of Water" as the title. Both graphics are included in this item.


We are asking all ABC affiliates to join us on April 20 in airing local stories about the issue of water to make this a truly nationwide reporting collaboration. 


Here are some resources that may help you in developing and reporting stories in your local market:




ABC Affiliate Marketing Toolkit available:


ABC Affiliate Marketing has produced a toolkit to help you build your own promos for your local coverage of "The Power of Water" day of programming on April 20. The link to the toolkit is here:





ABC News "The Power of Water" Graphics:


We have full-screen graphics available for the ABC News "The Power of Water" project available in NewsOneNET under the slug "ABCPowerOfWaterGFX".


There are two graphics: one that says "Climate Crisis: The Power of Water" and one that says just "The Power of Water".




Tell Us What Stories You Will Be Doing on April 20:


Please let us know what water-related story you will be doing on April 20 as part of the ABC News "The Power of Water" day of programming.


Send your information to: with the subject "WATER STORY" in your e-mail.




NewsOne Water Stories Topics:


NewsOne will be providing two stories related for stations to use on April 20:


  • Lead Pipes: We will look at the continuing issue of lead pipes in homes and schools across the country, and how the city of Newark, New Jersey, successfully replaced thousands of lead pipes in their water infrastructure.

  • Impact of Water Access Issues on Communities of Color: We will look at how the various issues around water that impact people (lack of access to clean water, infrastructure deficiencies, contamination, etc.) has a disproportional impact of communities of color


These NewsOne packages will be fed earlier in the week of April 17. We will have more details on these stories in this space as we get closer to April 20.




Recent Water-related Reports:


Climate Central: Drought and Deluge in 2022


American Society for Civil Engineers: Report Card for America’s Infrastructure




Water focused sources:


Food and Water Watch

Contact: Phoebe Galt, 

Topics: Lead pipes, water rates, water pollution, agricultural runoff


Natural Resources Defense Council

Contact: Margie Kelly, 

Topics: Lead pipes, Flint lawsuits, water pollution, federal water policy

*Can provide subject matter experts


American Society of Civil Engineers

Contact: Kevin Longley, 

Topics: Water infrastructure, “report card” on regional infrastructure

*Can provide subject matter experts


American Water Works Association

Contact: Greg Kail, 

Topics: lead pipes, water management, wastewater and drinking water treatment, utilities


National Groundwater Association

Contact: Ben Frech, 

Topics: Private wells, rural water systems, groundwater quality, 


Environmental Protection Agency

Topics: Lead pipe replacements, water quality concerns, water contamination, federal laws and enforcement around water, federal money for water infrastructure


Region 1 (in Boston; for CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)

David Deegan, 


Region 2 (in New York; for NJ, NY, PR, USVI)

Mary Mears, 


Region 3 (in Philadelphia; for DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV)

also: Chesapeake Bay Program

Terri A. White, 


Region 4 (in Atlanta; for AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)

also: Gulf of Mexico Program

Brandi Jenkins, 


Region 5 (in Chicago; for (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)

also: Great Lakes Program

Anne Rowan, 


Region 6 (in Dallas; for AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)

Janie Acevedo , Jennah Durant, 


Region 7 (in Lenexa, KS; for IA, KS, MO, NE)

Benjamin Washburn, 


Region 8 (in Denver; for CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)

Rich Mylott, 


Region 9 (in San Francisco; for AZ, CA, HI, NV, Pacific Territories)

Mike Alpern, 


Region 10 (in Seattle; for AK, ID, OR, WA)

Bill Dunbar, 

Suzanne Skadowski, 


Riverkeeper Network

No national contact but most rivers or watersheds like Chesapeake Bay have a local Riverkeeper group that can speak to issues impacting the local area (pollution, climate, recent incidents like oil spills, etc)




Expert sources:


*Local universities will probably have the most relevant experts for local issues, but some solid experts here if needed


SciLine (expert matching service): 


Johns Hopkins University Water Institute

Contact: Robin Scullin, 

Experts in: water sanitization, water infrastructure systems, contamination, water and health, water and energy, water and agriculture



Mark Svoboda, PhD

Director and Associate Professor

National Drought Mitigation Center

University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Related expertise: drought monitoring, early warning, and impacts; drought risk management; climatology


Daniel Swain

Climate Scientist University of California, Los Angeles


Expertise: changing climate system, atmospheric rivers, western drought and wildfire


Samantha Montano

Professor of Emergency Management, Massachusetts Maritime Academy


Expertise: Climate change disasters, emergency management, vulnerable populations, & disaster communication 


Color of Water-

Database of water experts and activists specifically focused on people of color, indigenous voices, etc




Sources for video:


American Rivers-

Broll of rivers, areas impacted by drought or pollution

*Expected to release list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers in April, likely naming Colorado River most endangered again


File Video on Water-Related Topics-

NewsOne has compiled a series of short clipreels that contain file video for use in your own water-related stories you may be producing for this series.


The clipreels are available in NewsOneNET in the "Power Of Water" category.




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